The Dr. Bares Award is an international award granted to the best papers published on for experimental or clinical practice in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology. We have held the competition since 1993, usually every two years.
To honour the memory of Dr. Rudolf O. Bares, the founder of the competition, the company’s general director of many years and a major supporter of gastroenterology, the competition was renamed the Dr. Bares Award in 2005.
The 17th annual professional Dr. Bares Award, Publication competition will commence in January 2025. From this time, authors of scientific articles will be able to nominate their works related to gastroenterology or hepatology that have been published in professional journals over the past three years.
Dr. Bares Award — Dec 3, 2024In the Publication category we present awards to published scientific research papers in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology. An independent committee of specialists evaluates the submissions and selects the three best publications for the award based on their innovativeness and significance to gastroenterology into the future.
In 2018 we also presented awards in the Idea category to innovative ideas that may lead to new applications for existing active substances based on hypotheses, preclinical or clinical research, individual observations, or experience with off-label use.
Quality indicators for colonoscopy and the risk of interval cancer
A novel double-endoloop technique for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery gastric access site closure
Zinc supplementation attenuates ethanol- and acetaldehyde-induced liver stellate cell activation by inhibiting reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and by influencing intracellular signaling
Physiological mediators in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)-induced impairment of gastric mucosal defense and adaptation, focus on nitric oxide and lipoxins
High Cancer-Specific Expression of Mesothelin (MSLN) Is Attributable to an Upstream Enhancer Containing a Transcription Enhancer Factor–Dependent MCAT Motif
Predictive Model for the Outcome of Infliximab Therapy in Crohn’s Disease Based on Apoptotic Pharmacogenetic Index and Clinical Predictors
Predictors of premature delivery in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
The impact of intestinal microflora on serum bilirubin levels
Efficacy and safety of ursodeoxycholic acid versus cholestyramine in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Colitis up-regulates local glucocorticoid activation and down-regulates inactivation in colonic tissue
Electrochemical lyses of the liver solitary metastases: 2 years experience in 43 patients
Differential Diagnosis in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Identification of New Celiac Disease Autoantigens Using Proteomic Analysis
Bacteriologic Testing of Endoscopes after High-level Disinfection
A Prospective, Observational Study of Colonic Mucosal Abnormalities Associated with Orally Administered Sodium Phosphate for Colon Cleansing before Colonoscopy
Vyšetření tenkého střeva a enteroskopický atlas
Pathomorphological Changes in Microcirculation of Pancreas during Experimental Acute Pancreatitis
Intraluminal Brachytherapy and Selfexpandable Stents in Nonresectable Biliary Malignancies – The Question of Long-term Palliation
The 17th annual professional Dr. Bares Award, Publication competition will commence in January 2025. From this time, authors of scientific articles will be able to nominate their works related to gastroenterology or hepatology that have been published in professional journals over the past three years.